
Bam … You’re Dead

Bam … You’re Dead Fellow Christians or those who just stopped by, please pray for this little angel boy, his family and all other victims of the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting. I must tell you that I am mad, and I am tired of playing nice. I have not posted on my blog in nearly a year and it has taken yet another tragedy to bring me back out here. The title of this blog post, “Bam … You’re Dead,” I know, is harsh. The world, however, is harsh, and …

Unexpectedly inspired

It takes a lot to inspire me. Inspiration is a good thing. I was inspired today Hello fellow Christians and passersby. I hope everyone is well. A big week It has been a tough week for me. Father God has given me a number of responsibilities and one of these responsibilities is being aware of what is going on in this world. I am not allowed to put my head in the sand and not take part in the processes that rule our lives. Understanding and knowing the political system …

Long time coming

I think I have gotten my sea legs … Hello! For some, I am finally coming out of the woodwork. For those who follow my Women’s Bible Study, it’s just another day. Yes, my Bible study is in week 22. What’s nice about this study is that it can be started at anytime. It can be started, stalled and picked back up. It is dated in real time, but Monday is a Monday, no matter the date. That said. Hello. This blog post has had many titles as it was …

In Transition

And that would be me right now …. In transition The picture for this post is of my dog Thunder, along with a curious and very fast tarantula. This is the first time my dog has seen a tarantula and the first one I have seen in the wild since I was a young girl when we lived in the desert between Surprise and Wickenburg Arizona. I am in transition. I have left Surprise. The Lord blessed me with a full price offer on my house and I took it. …

Lot’s Wife

Hello sisters and brothers in Christ, My message today to the ladies in the Women of the Bible devotional study I thought was so valuable that I wanted to share it with everyone because it pertains to most likely half of everyone who is reading this blog. Below is the message. Have a blessed day.   Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Her  legacy in Scripture Good Morning Ladies. It is pretty amazing how the Lord can use such a short story to paint such a big picture. The story of Lot’s …

Destination versus Journey

Hello followers of Christ. I want to talk to you today about destination versus journey. I believe as humans we get marred in the vision of our destination, and we let that snapshot we take of ourselves guide our feelings and rule our decisions. We all want a great snapshot of our lives, the picture of who we are in our mind. We want to wake up in the morning, look at our lives and say, “Wow … I really like where I am in life. I have it all.” …