
When the enemy visits your house

  When the enemy visits your house, or in this case your website, you gotta fight. And when your web hosting company tries to make you a victim of ransomware, you gotta end the conversation.   It has been awhile   I have not written on The Journey Victorious site since the start of the pandemic. There has not been a lot of activity at The Janet Channel either. There are times I just need a break from writing. This is also published on The Janet Channel. When it began …

Proof of Life

Hello Followers of Christ. I hope you had a wonderful Easter/Resurrection Day. I had a very interesting Lenten season. So much seemed to happen mirroring many of Jesus’ experiences during his time between Palm Sunday to Him rising again. There were so many experiences, just too many to even talk about. I wrote a story today for my news blog The Janet Channel. I thought I would post it here as well. Have a wonderful day. Easter Saturday at Lake Tahoe. A sign there is still life on this planet. …

Seven Years of May

Hello followers of Christ. How is everyone doing during this Coronavirus pandemic? I hope and pray each of you are well and coping with the new circumstances in which we are all living. So, I have a question? Have any of you ever changed your life? I mean, really changed it? Work, home and relationship all at once? If you have not, I can tell you it is not a fun thing to do. I did it when I was 25 and I had seven horrendous years navigating and finding …

Hinds Feet on High Places

Hinds Feet on High Places Hello followers of Christ, and happy Ash Wednesday. The 2020 resurrection process has begun. So, we all have amazing qualities, and we all have qualities not quite as stellar. My emotional maturity level is not very high, which is both good and bad. It allows me to enjoy many things in life and it keeps me young at heart, but sometimes my inner 12-year-old does not deal well with problems. One of my strong attributes, which can also at times be a problem, is that …

Out of the Ashes

Out of the ashes … comes the seat at the table Wow is basically all I can say. The smell of the ashes is still upon me, but ramping up to the Lenten season, I totally get what Out of the Ashes really means. is my street blog, where I have found a seat at the table for the Our Lord, Father God, Jesus Christ. All this time, I was thinking I needed to find someone more powerful than me to influence into submission, you know, be the middle …

The Color Purple

Hello fellow lovers of Christ and Merry Christmas to you all. It’s been a while since I have been out here. Everyday stresses have kept me quiet but with this red and blue crisis taking over America, I thought I would come out and talk about the color purple. The color purple is the middle ground, which is something that has been lost in our culture. Those of us who wish to see each situation judged on a case by case basis basically have no voice. Kind of like Jesus …