Monthly Archives: November 2017

Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Ah …. I am willing to bet my house that there are a few hearts racing right now. And there should be.   Wolf in sheep’s clothing. That is what I was accused of being a few days ago by a hater person.   Now, I promised my readers that this blog would never be Facebook. It would never be Twitter. It would never be Instant Gratification Gram. No, this is not social media. This is a blog dedicated to winning through Jesus Christ and bringing Him the praise.   …

Jesus blesses the City of Houston

With a hug and a kiss, and a thank you for loving Him and praising Him through the storm. Remember my August post “That Storm?” That post was not so much about the offending Hurricane Harvey, but the amazing people who praised God during the storm and about the multitudes of people who dropped everything in their lives to get out there and help rescue residents and their pets. “The silver lining to Harvey is how God has already been witnessed. I heard God mentioned by name by humans …