Hinds Feet on High Places

Hinds Feet on High Places

Hello followers of Christ, and happy Ash Wednesday. The 2020 resurrection process has begun.

So, we all have amazing qualities, and we all have qualities not quite as stellar. My emotional maturity level is not very high, which is both good and bad. It allows me to enjoy many things in life and it keeps me young at heart, but sometimes my inner 12-year-old does not deal well with problems.

One of my strong attributes, which can also at times be a problem, is that I was born to rise high. That is great when I am rising, but that 12-year-old doesn’t handle it well when she is not rising and stuck on a valley floor. I think this attribute is why my father would have loved to see me rule with an iron fist, because I was born with the ability to lead. The bottom is not a very happy spot for me.

When my wonderful cousin Michele several years ago sent me the book Hinds Feet on High Places, I was anxious to read it because she said she loved the book. There, reading that book, I ended up being confronted with both the good and the bad: The ability to rise high and lead, and my inner 12-year-old pouting over forever-required floor shifts. Seriously, I prefer life at the top.

As the lead character in Hinds Feet on High Places journeys through the book, she is given the opportunity to reach the high place, and she faces great challenges getting there. But she doesn’t always get to stay at the top. Sometimes she is forced to go back down to that icky valley floor.

So, for this Ash Wednesday, and throughout the Lenten season, I am going to read Hinds Feet on High Places for the second time. Some posses the reading ability to complete this book in one day, but those are super readers. I am not a super reader. I read news, short and (sometimes not) sweet. Books take me a while.

I knew I wanted to do something for Lent this year. I have been thinking about re-reading this book for a long time, as I feel I have been living the up and down the hill life described in this book for the past 12 months.

Hoping the book puts adds an extra touch of perspective to the past year of my life. As soon as I branded JanetDelTufo.com, I already knew the Lord had me where he wanted me. My birthday is next month, and I am expecting my next birthday year to be the bomb. (For those who might night know, bomb in this case is good. It means I expect the year to be super great.)

I hope you too find something to do this Lenten season that brings you closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

May the Lord shine his face upon you and be gracious to you

May the Lord lift his countenance upon you

May the Lord give you His peace.

Numbers 6:24-26