Long time coming

I think I have gotten my sea legs …


For some, I am finally coming out of the woodwork. For those who follow my Women’s Bible Study, it’s just another day.

Yes, my Bible study is in week 22. What’s nice about this study is that it can be started at anytime. It can be started, stalled and picked back up. It is dated in real time, but Monday is a Monday, no matter the date.

That said. Hello. This blog post has had many titles as it was coming together. Long time coming was not even in the running until just now. There is so much I could talk about that relates to each of the proposed titles, but less is more. I will attempt to sum up the past four months as succinctly yet entertainingly as possible.

I have finally moved. In fact, today begins week four of my new life, just 15 miles from the shore of Lake Tahoe. I finally feel I have my sea legs, as far as overall adjusting, and can get moving in the direction the Lord has for me. I have fall planned out as a vocational period and then all heck is going to break lose come 2019.

The dream

Living near this lake has been my dream for nearly six years. It was November 17, 2012 and it was the first time I had touched foot on Lake Tahoe. I knew instantly that it was the place I was looking for since arriving back to Arizona from California in 1998. Going back to Arizona was for the purpose of me finding the place I was to go forever while on this earth.

That day in November, I was on my phone and I remember as I got out of the car, in the whipping cold breeze, looking at the choppy waves at Kings Beach and feeling the rain, saying how much I was already in love with the place. Now, only through the blessings of Christ, who wants to showcase His power and grace, I am a mere 15 miles from that glorious lake in a beautiful house in a quiet neighborhood in Carson City, Nevada and my animals are all in heaven with their tree, bush and grass filled yard.

Thank you Father God for more blessings than I could ever deserve. You got me over the hump and we stole second base. It was a long time coming but We did it! You and Me, Lord. Thank you, God. Thank you Jesus and thank you Holy Spirit for never leaving me.

What about you?

So, how is everyone? Are you believing in your own blessings from the Lord? Are you getting ready for fall? I do pray for all my family and friends in the Arizona desert that the heat goes away soon.

I am finally getting organized to the point where I can get a nice routine in place. There are a ton of details to attend to when one moves, especially 700 miles away into a different state. And though it was a smooth transition that began in early May when I signed the contract to sell my house, it was not a smooth transition. Logistically, the transition was very smooth. Humanly, I am like a transplanted tree …. no wonder I have so much love for Groot. (For those of you who do not know Groot, he is a marvel character in Guardians of the Galaxy.) My roots and all my possessions were picked up and planted far away.

Allowing, and even advocating for your roots to be heaved up, which is basically how this entire Tahoe region came about, through seismic thrusting and upheaval, is not one of mankind’s favorite choices in regards to feeling good. It hurts in all directions when the roots get ripped up from the ground. I get the feeling there are tons of people out there who so-crave the upheaval, but are paralyzed by fear. I get it. I have been there.

Go for the supernatural

I am here to tell you that what you see as impossible is what God sees as the supernatural. His supernatural. He would love for more of you to start believing in Him so you too can be put on display to show His good works. Let me tell you something sisters and brothers in Christ, everything that could have come against me, came against me in this move. There is nothing more the enemy craves than our defeats. It loves them. It watches them like people watch football games so it has something to cheer its pathetic self about.

My point is this; if you have a dream in your heart and you have been speaking to the Lord about this dream, then do not wait for Him to lay it all out for you. It is up to you to do the work. Just like what Mark Batterson said about his 40-day prayer challenge, “You need to pray like it depends on God and you need to work like it depends on you.”

Other blog titles

You too can Steal Second Base on the field of glory, but you have to take your foot off first. When it gets tough, just keep telling yourself, “Self, I just need to Get Over the Hump.”

If you show the Lord you want it, He will bring it to you.

Peace to all. Have a blessed day and see you next time.

P.S. Please do not forget to pray for and donate towards Hurricane Florence. Many people lost everything and even some lost their lives. They should be in our thoughts.