That Boat

No … I was not on that boat, but it was magnificent to look at from upon the sea.

I was recently in New Jersey visiting my cousin and her family and we had an amazing time. I am dubbing it The Vacation of No Sleep. I think my cousin would agree. Every morning we would announce that we were going to sleep early that night and then 1 a.m. or so would roll around. Sleep was overrated during that trip.

So yeah, That Boat

My other cousin and his fiancé and I went out one day with my cousin’s husband on the fishing boat. The fish were not biting but we had some great views of New York and it was a perfect weather day.

Riding away from New York on the fishing boat.


A zoomed image of New York from the fishing boat.
This looked to be a combo party/fishing boat.

We, along with many others in the boating world, came upon that gigantic blue yacht in the Sandy Hook area. One of the world’s largest, which was first owned by a business man connected with the Vancouver Canucks, who then sold the yacht to a Russian/American oil man, who it is said to have then been gifted to another billionaire. Her name is Le Grand Bleu.

There were so many great parts of this trip, but spending 24/7 with a fellow Christian, a sister in Christ, my cousin, was beyond healing. Thank You Jesus! You are amazing for your heavenly gifts and love.

P.S. Soon I am going to have it down how to create photo galleries out here so you all can enjoy many more pictures at the original size. I am still in my WordPress lessons, so hang in with me.



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