Tag Archives: Jesus Christ

Deuteronomy 28:15-29:1 …. Curses for disobedience

Yeah, nice way to start a blog post I don’t know about all of you, but I do not like being told what to do. I am going to assume most of you are like me and you also do not like being told what to do. How many of you rebelled against the authority of your mother or father or both of your parents? My hand is raised high. I was relegated to my bedroom every weekend of the seventh grade. It was a big joke in homeroom when …

40-day “Draw the Circle” Prayer Challenge

Hey there! Well hello everyone. Long time no write to. I hope you are all well and filled with hope, peace and most important, the Holy Spirit. It has been a busy time and I have a number of irons in the fire, but I am keeping most of these things to myself at this time. I did, however, want to talk to you today about Mark Batterson’s 40-day Prayer Challenge that started officially Wednesday, Feb. 14, which was Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and of course the day of the …

Jesus blesses the City of Houston

With a hug and a kiss, and a thank you for loving Him and praising Him through the storm. Remember my August post “That Storm?” That post was not so much about the offending Hurricane Harvey, but the amazing people who praised God during the storm and about the multitudes of people who dropped everything in their lives to get out there and help rescue residents and their pets. https://thejourneyvictorious.com/that-storm/ “The silver lining to Harvey is how God has already been witnessed. I heard God mentioned by name by humans …

Wiping away the cobwebs of summer

Wiping away the cobwebs of summer Summer …. Thankfully it is officially over. Now it needs to finally end here in the southwest desert. Significance and imagination I want to talk to you today about significance and the imagination. Little things can impact an individual in a significant way. Who here has felt a significant impact from a book? Who here has felt a significant impact from a song? Not just a feeling, but true life-changing significance of some kind? It is amazing when you let it happen that Jesus …