40-day “Draw the Circle” Prayer Challenge

Hey there!

Well hello everyone. Long time no write to. I hope you are all well and filled with hope, peace and most important, the Holy Spirit.

It has been a busy time and I have a number of irons in the fire, but I am keeping most of these things to myself at this time. I did, however, want to talk to you today about Mark Batterson’s 40-day Prayer Challenge that started officially Wednesday, Feb. 14, which was Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and of course the day of the horrible mass shooting at the Parkland Florida high school.

If you have not already, please send your prayers to these families. No one should ever have to experience the tragedy of murder.

Draw the Circle

This prayer challenge is called Draw the Circle and it consists of creating a circle of some kind and praying like it depends on God and working like it depends on us. My cousin introduced me to the challenge and I introduced it to a friend or two.

My cousin and I had planned on starting the challenge a week early. We would not finish early, because the release of the videos are scheduled. Starting early though would give us time to organize and plan, since Mark released the first video a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. We already had an idea of how we were supposed to complete this challenge.

I was gathering my ideas of what I was planning on praying for during the 40 days and how I was going to physically circle while I prayed. I had already been prepping by getting in thousands upon thousands of steps in the Samsung February step challenge, and I planned on incorporating at least half my daily steps into the circle. I knew I was going to be printing pictures of the things and the people I would be praying for once I got back home to the printer.

Newark, New Jersey. Really?

It just so happened that day one of starting early found me in of all places, the Newark Airport. And in this older terminal, there it was: A great big circle for me to start the challenge. I cannot tell you how excited I was about this and so I started walking, circling and praying. I had already written out my mission statement, so I was good to get started. I knew what I was praying for during the challenge.

I was wearing a pretty full backpack, that weighed nearly 10 pounds and I just started walking, making eye contact with a number of interested people and at the end a conversation with this super cool shoe shine man. The most amazing part of the walk was once I realized I was actually walking in a designated circle, I noticed what was in that circle. Seats. Yes, tons of seats. And if anyone has been listening to me, you know my primary goal for the remainder of my life is to get to the highest places possible to bring Jesus a seat at every one of those tables, and there in front of me were a multitude of seats …. Just waiting for me to bring His influence.

It was a great day and a great start to the challenge … But then the enemy decided to knock me down a notch, because there is nothing more irritating and fearful to the enemy than to see a Christian going for the Gold. It is a bi-weekly thing for me and this enemy. Just as I am pumping out 22,000 steps a day, shining the Lord’s light on the world and feeling great, in comes a knockout punch.

The enemy is a real loser

I got home on a Tuesday night and by Friday morning I was down for the count. A nasty, nasty bug brought me a six-day fever. I lost my joy, strength, confidence and nearly my faith, and I started writing emails similar to those of Job, from the Book of Job. Seriously, it was not pretty and thankfully the Lord gave me the wherewithal to not send any of my Job email.

All in all, 18 days later I am still only at about 85 percent back to full health, but I have the most amazing circle that was fully established while AT MY WORST. So enemy, FU, if you know what I mean. You will NEVER win. You will NEVER have me. You may think at times that you have stolen my joy, but it is temporary. You are a loser. You always will be. You will never have me as long as my Savior Jesus Christ has my back. So, bugger off!! I am NOT afraid of you and I NEVER will be. Got it!?

During my sick days I printed out 18 pictures that tell the story of my mission statement. I place them in a circle and I dance around this circle for about an hour each morning. I wish I could share a picture of the circle, but it is too personal for me to do that here. Some have seen the pictures. All I can say is it is my biggest dream to date and it is going to happen.

If anyone is interested in starting the challenge, you still can.


And if you want to be part of my group, you are welcome to join me.

And when the Lord shows strength and favor only He can show and provide, you will all get to read about it here. It will not be due to me. It is all Him.

Lovely pendant of truth

I found a pendant I had to buy to start this challenge. My mission statement is called The Faith and Fearless Circle. The pendant says, “I am fearless because He is faithful.”

It is true. I am fearless only because He is faithful and the less I do, the more He does. I have basically been brought to a place where I have been rendered unable to do anything without the Lord and I love it. It is so awesome to not be depending on me or any other human.

When I start to pity myself, I remind myself that the Lord has already paid my debts and that Heaven is my reward. Anything else He gives me on this earth is gravy. He gives me what I need to survive and there are times I do not feel it is enough. But then I remember the seats in Newark Airport. There was no better way that He could have told me that He was right there next to me and that He is listening to my every word. And once again, like a year ago when he lifted me from where I was left for dead, he again picked me up when I felt I was going down a dark road and He nursed me back to Janet.

So, go in peace for the day. Those in my circle: WE are going to win. Do not ever forget these words.

Bless you all …