Tag Archives: Janet DelTufo

Out of the Ashes

Out of the ashes … comes the seat at the table Wow is basically all I can say. The smell of the ashes is still upon me, but ramping up to the Lenten season, I totally get what Out of the Ashes really means. JanetDelTufo.com is my street blog, where I have found a seat at the table for the Our Lord, Father God, Jesus Christ. All this time, I was thinking I needed to find someone more powerful than me to influence into submission, you know, be the middle …

Bam … You’re Dead

Bam … You’re Dead Fellow Christians or those who just stopped by, please pray for this little angel boy, his family and all other victims of the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting. I must tell you that I am mad, and I am tired of playing nice. I have not posted on my blog in nearly a year and it has taken yet another tragedy to bring me back out here. The title of this blog post, “Bam … You’re Dead,” I know, is harsh. The world, however, is harsh, and …

Destination versus Journey

Hello followers of Christ. I want to talk to you today about destination versus journey. I believe as humans we get marred in the vision of our destination, and we let that snapshot we take of ourselves guide our feelings and rule our decisions. We all want a great snapshot of our lives, the picture of who we are in our mind. We want to wake up in the morning, look at our lives and say, “Wow … I really like where I am in life. I have it all.” …

The root ….

The violent mind … A former reporter is always a reporter.  I write about my life with Jesus here on this blog and I write publicity for clients, but a reporter is always a reporter and there are times when I cannot contain myself from reporting about the world at large. I was a great reporter because I am a good writer, I dig for truth, I have good instincts, I am neither republican nor democrat so I have an open mind and I am not guided by a party line, …

40-day “Draw the Circle” Prayer Challenge

Hey there! Well hello everyone. Long time no write to. I hope you are all well and filled with hope, peace and most important, the Holy Spirit. It has been a busy time and I have a number of irons in the fire, but I am keeping most of these things to myself at this time. I did, however, want to talk to you today about Mark Batterson’s 40-day Prayer Challenge that started officially Wednesday, Feb. 14, which was Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and of course the day of the …